Coasteering Feasibility Mapping
The Coasteering Feasibility Mapping Project is looking at the sustainable use of the coastline in Pembrokeshire for commercial coasteering.
Why is this needed?
This sector has grown rapidly in recent years. In response, activity providers are seeking access to new stretches of coast for this activity, whilst local management systems are being established by landowners at existing venues. There is a need to guide the expansion of this activity and manage the attendant environmental risks. The Coasteering Feasibility Mapping Project takes a holistic view of the coastline and a proactive approach to identifying suitable areas that may have the potential to accommodate commercial coasteering activity.

Coasteering feasibility map example
GIS map presenting the coasteering feasibility evaluation data, with colours denoting different feasibility outcomes
Data collection
The project involved data collection of sensitive features that may be impacted upon by the activity. GIS layers and data were collated on species such as Peregrine, Chough, Seals, Sensitive Biotopes, Geological features, Conservation designations and Wildness. These have been overlain on maps (see image above) with expert advice provided from project partners including NRW, The National Trust, The National Park Authority and SAC officers.

Resulting Actions
The process has been fed back to the Pembrokeshire Outdoor Charter Group where it is hoped voluntary agreements will be reached on suitable and non suitable areas for commercial coasteering development. A password protected coasteering GIS layer showing where these areas are on the projects GIS mapping system. This provides activity centres with the ability to comment on suggested areas as we take a partnership approach to voluntary agreements in the sustainable development of coasteering in Pembrokeshire.