Providing Data
The database, GIS layers and further information have been provided to a number of organisations and individuals since the projects initiation in 2008, example cases shown below. Updated data from 2019 is now available, which can be requested by organisations and utilized to benefit decision making in a wide variety of sectors, including conservation, tourism and planning.
The database, GIS layers and further information have been provided to consultants carrying out a survey for CCW (now NRW) in relation to recreation and Highly Protected Marine Reserves in Wales. Information has also been provided to the Plymouth Marine Lab and a PhD study into coastal recreation. The database and GIS layers have been provided to the Finding Sanctuary project and the Irish Sea Conservation Zones project, both involved with creating a network of Marine Conservation Zones in the UK.
Renewable Energy Sector
Data about the recreational use of St Brides Bay was provided to Tidal Energy Limited during their Environmental Impact Assessment within Ramsey Sound. Data has been provided to the South and West Wales Marine Federation about the number and location of moorings and slipways and a new GIS layer funded by The Crown Estate has been added. RPS consultants on behalf of Welsh Government requested the data and layers for their Marine Renewable Energy Strategic Framework which is maps potential suitable areas for Marine Energy in Wales.
Welsh Government
Welsh Government were provided with a report showing the amount and trends of coastal recreation to assist with a review of Coastguard cover in the region. CBEEMS were provided recreation information to assist with the European Marine Site Management Plan. Swansea CC were provided with an overview of recreational activity for the Swansea Bay Biodiversity Management Strategy. The data is displayed on the Wales Marine Planning Portal.